
Spring Semester (under construction):

January 28th: Habermas and After
from Calhoun, ed, Habermas and the Public Sphere

February 8th (Friday): Technoculture, Capitalism, and Democracy
Dean, from Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies
Dean, from Publicity's Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy
Guest Participant: Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

February 18th: Geographies Old and New
de Certeau, "Walking in the City"
Lefebvre, from The Production of Space
Soja, from Postmodern Geographies

March 4th: Private Eyes and Public Figures
McCann, from Gumshoe America
McCann, from A Pinnacle of Feeling
Guest Participant: Sean McCann, Wesleyan University

March 18th: Identities and Intimacies
Eng, from A Feeling of Kinship
Rooney, "A Semi-Private Room"

April 1st: The Politics of Race 
Jarrett, from Representing the Race
Jarrett, "The Harlem Renaissance and Its Indignant Aftermath"
Guest Participant: Gene Jarrett, Boston University

April 29th: Consumer Publics
Frank, from One Market Under God
Cohen, from A Consumer Republic
Negt and Kluge, from Public Sphere and Experience 

Fall Semester:

September 10th: Beginning with Democracy
Locke, from Two Treatises of Government
de Tocqueville, Book II, Democracy in America

September 24th: Phantom Publics
Lippman, The Phantom Public
Rawls, from A Theory of Justice

October 15th: Reaffirming Publics
Dewey, The Public and Its Problems
Berlin, “Two Concepts of Liberty”
Guest Participant: Phil Gould

November 5th: Personal Identity and Privacy 
Appiah, “Liberalism, Individuality and Identity”
Brettschneider, “The Politics of the Personal: A Liberal Approach”

November 26th: Reading Communities
Dillon, from The Gender of Freedom
Berlant, “Introduction,” The Female Complaint
Margolis, from The Public Life of Privacy in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Guest Participant: Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Northeastern University

December 10th: Counterpublics
Warner, Publics and Counterpublics
Robbins, “The Public as Phantom”
Calhoun, “The Public Sphere in the Field of Power”